Do lip plumpers *actually* work? Will it work on my naturally thin lips? Does it work with lip fillers? Will I even notice any difference?  🤔


These are a few questions we get asked frequently... So today we wanted to share with you some of our amazing customer's before & after shots! That way, you can see how our No Needles Lip Filler Kit works on all types of lips - thin, big, with filler, without filler! 


Remember to tag us on Instagram in your before & after shots, we love seeing them @plumpit #PlumpIt 🙌💕


Lip Plumper



Plump It



Plump It



Plump it

Customer, Gemma


Plump It



Lip PLumper



For loads more before & after results, check out our Instagram @plumpit 💕

Chloe Byrne